I was fortunate enough to photograph the amazing panoramas of London afforded by the tallest building in the UK, the Shard, while it was under construction. This wasn’t your standard location to shoot from, on a crane peering out of a building site, and getting up there wasn’t straightforward.

On a cold dark November evening I navigated my way up through the partly constructed levels. I ascended the core of the building in an external lift then clambered up 3 levels of scaffolding before finally scaling the ladder to the lower platform of the crane. It was no easy task just getting myself up there, add in three heavy bags of kit and it all got a little more complicated. Thanks to some very helpful construction workers I managed to get all my kit in place, and in one piece.
You can view the standard 360 on a desktop or mobile, but to see the full Virtual Reality experience, once the tour has loaded into your device click on the headset icon and place your phone in your VR headset.
You can check out more images captured from the Shard or featuring the Shard here.