This school 360 tour allows prospective parents to tour a primary school. Parents and children can check out the facilities and environment. The tour helps them make an informed decision on whether to apply to Powell’s.
Choosing a new school
Physical tours cannot currently take place due to Covid-19 guidance. Thus, parents are having to choose schools without ever seeing them. It’s tricky for any prospective parent to envisage a school from the printed page, or from images on a website. However, in the 360 tour they can move around the school, seeing not only the classrooms, but the various play and outdoor areas too. They can zoom in and see the detail. This ability to get inside and tour the school virtually has been especially helpful during lockdown.

Extra content that adds value
As a parent considering Powell’s for your child, you can now visit the tours in the Forest School area for example. Clicking on the ‘Find Out More’ button at the top of most pages gives you much more information, while the 360 tour puts it in context. You can see the firepit area in 360 degrees, and then see how it’s actually used. The info button shows you pictures of children toasting marshmallows in a firepit; lets you read quotes from children at the school about what Forest School means to them; and understand how much time your child would be spending in this amazing outdoor area.
Drone 360s
The tour opens with a 360 from a drone, taken from high above the school. It helps viewers orientate themselves within the town, and provides a picture of the extensive grounds that their child will enjoy at Powell’s. Navigation hotspots let them use this drone 360 to quickly navigate to a particular area of the school, such as the Orchard.
You can read more about how aerial 360s can be used, about the legalities and possibilities in our article all about aerial 360 photography and drone video here.

Integrating video resources
Videos are included in the pop-ups, showcasing the children performing in music concerts or having fun on residential trips.
The school produced an introduction video as a further resource to help prospective parents get a picture of the school. This video is linked to on each page of the tour via the video icon.
Helping children already in school
The 360 tour has also fulfilled a vital role within school itself. When children are due to change year groups they would normally visit their new classroom to help ease any worries they may have. Unfortunately, class bubbles have meant that this can’t currently happen. Now, teachers can show children their new classroom, pointing out the surroundings and helping them familiarise themselves in advance.
Here’s what the headteacher at Powell’s said about having the tour:
We are very proud to show our virtual 360 tour to perspective parents, it has been so helpful with Covid restrictions in place to still be able to offer a glimpse into our fantastic school and grounds. It has been captured perfectly and the communication and filming from start to finish by Eye Revolution was seamless!

Education 360 Tours
If you’re interested in seeing other examples of school, nursery, university or other education virtual tours, please click here.